The Best Ways to Use Frozen Puff Pastry, Phyllo, and Pie Doughs — Tips from The Kitchn

You know puff pastry, phyllo, and pie dough as the backbone of many a sweet dessert, but these versatile doughs are good for so much more. In fact, one of my favorite ways to use them is for savory snacks and appetizers, from puff pastry cheese sticks to fresh corn galettes. Frozen dough is my secret to no-fuss, last-minute get-togethers with friends and family.

But these doughs, while similar, are not created equal. You might think of puff pastry, phyllo, and pie dough as interchangeable, but each has distinct qualities that set it apart. Here’s what you should know, including the best ways to use whatever dough you’ve got stashed in your freezer.


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