Most Disturbing Moments From Bikram Choudhury’s ‘Real Sports’ Interview Addressing Rape Accusations

If you caught the Bikram Choudhury segment on last Tuesday night’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, we’re very sorry. Because perhaps you went through the same roller coaster of emotions we did sitting through the 20 minutes that felt more like a year, stuck in 105 degree heat, with no water and no exit. Real Sports […]

Cheesy Vegan Spaghetti Squash Marinara

When you see a recipe that has cheesy and vegan in the name, you know what’s coming, right? Nutritional yeast, of course! An ingredient near and dear to me and big time staple in any healthy, vegan kitchen. However, you certainly don’t have to be vegan to enjoy nutritional yeast! It adds a delicous, cheesy…

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20 Healthy Homemade Halloween Treats – All Vegan!

Halloween is almost here and that means the arrival of sugar, sugar and more sugar! However, just because you’re sure to be inundated with bulk mini-candy bars, doesn’t mean you can’t do your own thing with these healthy homemade Halloween treats! I guarantee these homemade treats will taste better than scary Halloween candy bars and…

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Build Huge Lats: Tips How To Make Your Lats Bigger

John Meadows for T-Nation gives us these tips how to trigger muscle growth. Just a bit of a warning, these are painful stretches. When you add this to your workout, it can really get you in the zone.

The lats and shoulder girdle can get really stiff because of intense training and it eventually leads to adhesions in the muscles that will prevent you from reaching its maximum efficiency. These exercises are good for creating muscle separation. This in turn loosens the connective and soft tissues which result to greater shoulder flexibility.

Tip: For Big Lats, Add Intense Stretches

Here are 4 painful stretches that, when added to your back workout, can help you trigger new muscle growth. Don’t wimp out. Read more…

Coach Mike Samuels from has an amusing perspective about the Imaginary Lat Syndrome. This is how he explains ILS:  “a common case of someone, typically a male, who believes they are rather muscular when in reality this isn’t the case.” We’ve all seen a couple of those at the gym. If you think you belong to this group, find out what Coach Mike has to say about correcting this ‘condition.’

Basically, you’ll need to stop neglecting your back muscles. You have to make a few tweaks to your training exercises. Remember, big lats mean a stronger back, better shoulder stability, and a balanced physique. Check out Coach Mike’s exercises below.

4 Exercises to Cure the Dreaded Imaginary Lat Syndrome

There’s a pandemic sweeping the nation. Despite a rise in gym memberships, and more and more people training than ever before, a terrible affliction still holds the country’s gym-goers in its hands. What is this horrendous condition? Imaginary lat syndrome. Read more…

Jim Stoppani, Ph.D from Flex shares his guide how to build bigger lats. He says that the main problem is that most people rely more on their biceps and forearms. It’s time to shift the focus to their back muscle. They have to pull the weight using this muscle in order to stimulate growth.

You can better target your back with the right focus.  You have to pay closer attention to pulling using your back and not just the arms. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and concentrate on the tension.

How to Build Bigger Lats

The problem is that most rely too much on their biceps and forearms—and not on their lats—to pull the weight. Read more…

If you want to do some more work, here’s a video from ATHLEAN-X how to pull for bigger lats:

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from Nutrition Club Canada

Halloween Hype: Behavioural Effects Of Halloween Candy

Joe Dziemianowicz from NY Daily News shares that science proves the sugar-high isn’t real since 1995. Children will soon flock your doorstep in pursuit of these glorious sweets. Parents will try to do the right thing by rationing candies or giving out ‘healthy’ treats.

Not judging here but there’s no cause for concern as party sweets are not going to affect your kids’ behaviour. Pediatrics researcher Mark Wolraich, M.D. said so in his report for the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Relax, Parents: Halloween Candy Won’t Make Kids Hyper

 That’s when pediatrics researcher Mark Wolraich, M.D., reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that sugar doesn’t affect kids’ behavior — and effectively dropped the mic on the subject. Read more…

Laura Geggel from Live Science says that sugar isn’t responsible for the hyperactive frenzy observed in children. Dr. Mark Wolraich has done research about the sugar’s effect on children since the 90’s. He said that parent’s expectation of the sugar phenomenon affects the way they see their children’s behaviour.

They often assume that sugar is the culprit because of its presence during birthday parties, Halloween, and any other occasion. Because of this, parents tend to believe that sweets have such an effect on children. That’s not the case though: kids tend to get active because of excitement.

Does Sugar Make Kids Hyper?

If a child eats cotton candy, a chocolate bar or any other kind of sugary treat, will a hyperactive frenzy follow? While some parents may swear that the answer is “yes,” research shows that it’s just not true. Read more…

Ellen Scott from Metro UK has a funny approach about sugar high. She says that even a quiet child transforms into a huge, hyped-up little monster. This is what’s most feared by babysitters and parents. However, as what’s been discussed, it isn’t real. The actual reason: the events that kids participate in.

Halloween: you dress up for the event, you can demand candy, and you get to hop from one house to another with your squad. Birthdays: you can eat whatever you want, you get to play with your friends, and you can find an excuse to run the entire time.

Turns Out Getting A Sugar High Isn’t A Real Thing

There’s a reason your parents wouldn’t let you eat doughnuts by the bag or pic ‘n’ mix after the fifth handful: the dreaded sugar high – a phenomenon in which too much sugar transforms even the most well-behaved, quiet child into a hyped-up mess screaming, crying, and breaking things. Read more…

While this is newfound information to some parents, it’s still not an excuse to eat a lot of sweets. We still have to balance it out while taking note of children’s health especially their teeth and weight.

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from Nutrition Club Canada

Wearable Peanut Patch: Breakthrough For Allergies

Maggie Fox from reports that a wearable patch may help people with peanut allergies. Those who participated in the study were kids and those who tested the patches ate more peanut products compared to children who wore only dummy ones.

The patch delivers small quantities of peanut protein through the skin. The results show though that only younger kids were helped. To be more specific, the treatment had remarkable effects for those who are below 11 years old.

This study is an addition to the developing body of research which aims to show that there are ways to lower the risk of children to go into anaphylactic shock.

More Evidence ‘Peanut Patch’ Can Help Kids With Allergies

They called the results “modest”, but they add to a growing body of research showing that there are various ways to reduce the danger that a child who is allergic to peanuts will go into a potentially deadly anaphylactic shock. Read more… explains that if the technology will be developed, it may provide some sort of treatment as well as benefits for younger children. The method that they used in the study is what we call epicutaneous immunotherapy or EPIT. The process was well-tolerated and considered safe. The study participants followed the skin patch regimen as directed.

No one experienced grave reactions to the experiment. Most had some mild skin reactions like itching or rash on the spot where the patch was placed. Other than that, there were no serious adverse effects.

Wearable patch shows promise for treating children with peanut allergy

Nearly all of the study participants followed the EPIT regimen as directed. None reported serious reactions to the patch, although most experienced mild skin reactions, such as itching or rash, at the site of patch application. Read more…

Author Seerat Chabba says that the researchers assigned a high-dose, low-dose, or placebo patches to the volunteers after their peanut allergy assessment. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director (NIAID), Anthony S. Fauci said that the goal of these approaches is to lower the risk and stress of life-threatening reactions of these types of allergies to people.

Epicutaneous immunotherapy aims to train the immune system to tolerate peanuts to protect individuals from accidental ingestion or- exposure.

Peanut Allergy Update: Wearable Patch May Help Treat Severe Allergies, Clinical Trials Show

Biopharmaceutical company DBV Technologies developed and provided the “Viaskin” patches, which were provided to the participants each day, to be applied to their arm or between their shoulder blades. Read more…

Though the method is still not FDA-approved, in due time, additional studies might emerge especially ones that target a large population. A wider participant base study is required for the treatment to be approved by authorities.

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from Nutrition Club Canada

Effects Of Placebos: New Study Shows Positive Response

CNN reports that there is a growing response in placebo effects for the past few decades. A study was published in the journal Pain, indicating that even a placebo can have true physical benefits.

Though we consider it as a psychological trick, this new research suggests that these can have such impacting effects. The subjects were people who are experiencing chronic lower back pain. In Lisbon, Portugal, they participated in the research at a public hospital.

The research team assigned the subjects into two groups. The first took the NSAIDS as usual. The other got the usual drugs including placebo pills.

The Real — And Growing — Effects Of Fake Pills

Yet, recent research has shown an increase in the placebo response over the past couple of decades. Just last week, the results of a new study published in the journal Pain suggest that a placebo can have real, even profound, physical benefits. Read more…

Katherine Hobson’s report from NPR tells us that there were 83 people who comprised the sample population of the research, all of these individuals experienced back pain that isn’t caused by serious conditions. The participants were informed that the placebo was inactive. It does not have any medicinal properties but the body can respond to it. They were given instructions to take the pills twice a day for three weeks.

Each participant got to rate their pain levels as well as their capabilities in executing day-to-day activities. The researchers found profound results.

Is A Placebo A Sham, If You Know It’s A Fake And It Still Works?

But there’s a reason your doctor isn’t giving you a sugar pill and telling you it’s a new wonder drug. The thinking has been that you need to actually believe that you’re taking a real drug in order to see any benefits. And a doctor intentionally deceiving a patient is an ethical no-no. Read more…

Forbes author David DiSalvo pondered on the results of the study. It showed that patients from the two groups were able to reduce their pain levels. The first group taking only NSAIDs had a 9 percent reduction (usual level) and 16 percent (maximum level). The second one taking NSAIDS plus placebo had a 30 percent reduction for both usual and maximum pain.

The pain reduction from the “fake pills” was three times as much for normal pain and twice as much for the maximum pain. This presents a remarkable result, considering that all of the participants know about the “fake pills.”

Can The Placebo Effect Really Work Without Deception? Maybe, Maybe Not

True or false: If I give you a placebo pill and tell you it will zap your back pain, it’s crucial that I not also tell you the pill is just made of sugar. Deception is a key ingredient for the mind to manufacture a remedy out of nothing, right? Read more…

Though the research proves that it worked in the sample group, it is still not applicable to all. Just like what the researchers pointed out, “The results might not be generalizable to all patients.” It’s worth investigating why this therapy only works for some people, and how we can take opportunities to use this for therapeutic purposes especially in pain management.

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from Nutrition Club Canada

Instantly Upgrade Basic Muffin Mix with Shredded Carrot and Raisins — Mix Up Your Muffins

Wish you could eat carrot cake for breakfast? Muffins make it possible. Start with our basic, built-for-customizing recipe for muffins and then add a few key ingredients like shredded carrots and raisins to get you there.

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