Get Fit: Martial Arts Inspired Fitness Training

Martial arts is more than just a close combat defence style since your chances of survival from an illness or getting in shape is much higher compared to getting hurt by a group of bullies taking advantage of you.

But other than guarantee you with security, martial arts can truly help you lose weight, as well as improve your sense of balance, body awareness, hand-eye coordination and agility, among  many others.

Martial arts fitness training is in fact one of the best full-body workout routines that helps you get a zing out of your exercise programs.

Muay Thai Kickboxing

This form of kickboxing is believed to be the traditional kickboxing sport developed in Thailanf where aside from punches and kicks, it also makes the most out of elbows and knees when striking an opponent.

The grueling training for muay thai boxers start at an early age and children are trained in the martial arts for competitions.It entails not just self-defense or kick boxing techniques,but the grueling workouts can stand to give you a good cardiovascular workout.

Wing Chun Kung Fu

These are the ones that you often see in movies that have been traditionally associated with oriental Chinese stereotypes. Kung Fu movements originate from animal movements that were developed into martial arts styles and techniques.

In the aspect of physical training and fitness, kung fu incorporates good cardio movements and also incorporates several relaxation techniques that can help provide focus and balance.

Very few kicks are involved and incorporating kung fu into fitness workouts guarantee good impact cardio and endurance routines.

You get that mental leverage of being able to acquire a good sense of focus and concentration, which are few of the many disciplines that you get out of martial arts  whether it be tae kwon do, jiu jitsu, muay thai and judo, just to name a few.

Brazilian Jiujitsu

This martial arts style traces its roots with the Japanese Judo in the early 1900’s and then became a hit when it was adopted into the early UFC tournaments.

Physical conditioning comes with the grappling moves of jiujitsu that is highly similar to bodyweight training.

When training for jiujitsu, expect more rolling moves and close quarter body hits along the midsection and works almost every part of the body during training.

Krav Maga

This self-defense style originated kin Israel and is still being used by the Isreali Defense Force for use in real-life combat situations.

Aside from kicks, punches and throws, Krav Maga also makes use of weapon disarming techniques that thrive on intense physical workouts with body twisting, striking and even grappling and some knowledge in physics like gravity and leverage.

Expect body hits as you train and continue to move up the ladder to more difficult levels, along with some advanced personal defense scenarios that often involve sticky and difficult situations as part of the simulation for the defense training.

Tae Kwon Do

This martial arts technique originates from Korea and is an Olympic event that is being practiced worldwide.

Expect a lot of drills and sparring sessions throughout your training and gives justice to the adage ‘no pain, no gain.’

Expect a lot of cardiovascular exercises and some pretty cool board breaking tests and jumping fly kicks.

Martial art fitness training will definitely give you a great boost that will help you stay fit as well.

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from Nutrition Club Canada

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