3 Little Finds that Make Pancake Breakfast Easier and Better — Shopping

One of the things I love most about my boyfriend is his unabashed adoration of carbs. This may sound silly, but his penchant for all things gluten has been something of a breakfast game-changer for me.

Previously, my morning meal was whatever was easy: cashew milk that I could make a big batch of, with some Medjool dates and a pinch of cinnamon and sea salt; a bowl of last night’s dinner, sometimes reheated (sometimes not) and squirted with Sriracha; or, if things were really dire, a handful of almonds to tide me over until I could figure out something to eat for lunch.

Enter my boyfriend and suddenly breakfasts became a wonderful world of biscuits and pancakes.

<p><a href=’http://www.thekitchn.com/3-little-finds-that-make-pancake-breakfast-easier-and-better-237289′><strong>READ MORE »</strong></a></p>

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