A Snack Board for Vegans (and Also Everyone Else) — Snack Your Way Through the Holidays

A plant-based snack board sounds like something you might find at that new vegan restaurant downtown, but it’s actually the answer for dinner when all you want to do is eat a bunch of snacks (in a wholesome “I have it together” kind of way). A veggie snack board is perfect for busy weeknights or Sunday dinner after a cookie-decorating marathon. It can also double as an appetizer for a low-key get together — when make your snack board all about the vegetables, it’s a savvy way to get more in around the holidays.

Here’s what you need to know about preparing a plant-based snack board, including a few tips on what to buy (basically all of it) and what to make (hardly any of it), and how to serve it to your vegan-dabbling and veggie-loving friends.

<p><a href=’http://www.thekitchn.com/a-snack-board-for-vegans-and-also-everyone-else-238050′><strong>READ MORE »</strong></a></p>

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