4 Indian Breads That Are Better than Sourdough — The Bread Basket

When it comes to bread, we’re with Oprah (we love bread!) and our admiration isn’t restricted to tangy sourdough loaves or crusty baguettes. Nearly every culture has strong opinions about bread products (see: Why the English Muffin Is Vastly Superior to the Bagel), and India is no exception.

Flatbreads, in particular, are an important staple in South Asian cuisine, especially in the wheat-growing states of Northern India. There is a plethora of flatbreads, many of which are rarely found outside of home kitchens like bhatoora, deep-fried leavened bread from Punjab; khakhra, cracker-thin flatbreads from Gujarat; and puran poli, flatbread stuffed with jaggery-sweetened lentils from Maharashtra, to name a few.

But there are others that you are probably familiar with. The four highlighted here are some of the more commonplace and, if you’re feeling adventurous, also relatively easy to make.


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