5 Weird Foods That Taste Better than They Sound — Travel Bites

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The world is filled with incredible culinary delights; you’ve probably seen about 10,000 of them thanks to Instagram. While Roman pasta and Japanese sushi may get the most airplay, there are plenty of other international dishes worth trying — even if they look strange on paper (or don’t pop up on your feed).

I’m constantly scrolling through the good, the bad, and the ugly posts on social media hunting for local eats whenever I’m on the road. If a country has a weird delicacy, I’m always down to try it, not only for the story, but also because it often turns out to taste amazing! You learn quickly that sometimes it’s better to go against your gut and with the unconventional order.

Forget eating for the ‘gram — here are five delicacies that are more delicious than they sound.


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