The Fastest Way to Prep Kale for Cooking — Tips from The Kitchn

(Image credit: Faith Durand)

When I first started to really think about food, it was around the time people first started wearing shirts with kale slogans on them. This was in the early aughts and well before the second-wave Beyoncé kale shirt. Dark leaves of Lacinato kale were always stuffed in my fridge at that time. I was eating them by the boatload in soups and sautés (Never smoothies, though — that’s just a hot bitter mess, in my opinion).

I found the practice of washing them and prepping them very soothing, but sometimes it was a bit too drawn out for my taste. So when I came across this technique for removing the stem from the leaves, I was sold. It took my kale prep time down to a few minutes and I didn’t even need a knife to do it.


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