How Cutting My Food Budget Is Helping Me Pay Off My Student Loans — Money Goals, Kitchen Solutions

I graduated undergrad late, in 2011 at 26 years old. Not terribly late, but late enough to have racked up $110,000 in student debt after the Great Recession, with a journalism degree from a state school, and zero internships under my belt. To be fair, most of those private loans were taken out to pay for basic living expenses — rent, insurance, phone bill (not tuition, fees or books) — that my family wasn’t able to help out with. But since they are private loans, the interest rate and the repayment options aren’t ideal, and my loan payments are twice the amount of my metro-Atlanta rent.

That said, I’ve still been able to pay off nearly $20,000 in six years on rather meager salaries – nannying, freelancing and, now, nonprofit work. A lot of this has come down to being downright obsessive about how to save money in certain areas so that I can spend in others — specifically, saving money in the health and wellness departments in order to still have something of a social life.


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